Holding Space for Curative Consciousness, through Community & Places

We hold space for sanctuary and respite within hospitality lodging, curated with authentic care to support our individual and collective wellbeing, underpinned by a core philosophy, ’How can we care deeply for ourselves as we in turn nurture our world?’ Our places and spaces are where we come to rest and revive, to support and be uplifted, and to gather in community, with common hearts activating through a common purpose to harmonize our common rhythm together on this earth.

Although Sanará is no longer gathering guests on the beach of Tulum, Hotel & Residences locations are being explored currently around our World.

As we collaborate these ideas together we welcome your collaboration.

  • It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass.

    J.R.R. Tolkien - Fellowship of the Ring

  • ‘In between the mountains, The valleys take a dip among the shadows,Where the echoes of our dreamsLeave a trail of light to guide us through our darkest night.’

    ~ Daniella Hunter

  • Out of the darkness of my life, so much frustrated, I put before you the one great thing to love on earth: the Blessed Sacrament....There you will find romance, glory, honor, fidelity, and the true way of all your loves upon earth, and more than that: death: by the divine paradox, that which ends life, and demands the surrender of all, and yet by the taste (or foretaste) of which alone can what you seek in your earthly relationships (love, faithfulness, joy) be maintained, or take on that complexion of reality, of eternal endurance, that every man's heart desires.

    ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Our Local & Global Communities