
Faith begins on the edges of understanding

Let me please then fall into this abyss of source where Faith is.

A surfacing, peace filled trove glimpsed first amidst a raging wind,

its past buried deep by the residue of age old minds.

One personal confrontation, not new yet rediscovered,

Connected to the gentleness of a longed for home revisited.

I talk here not of an unconscious knowing,

like my anticipation as each full moon rises, or the approach of it’s forthcoming tide. .

That faith is forged through expectation, driven by the knowledge of repeated outcome.

No I speak here of a faith in faith itself, beyond any realm of human thought.

A faith in faith itself etched upon me, not found in the almanac of my consciousness.

A simple activation where I Trust in the Lord with all my heart

and when I lean not on my own understanding.

Yet how hard has it been for me to grasp this faith, pure and simple.

and let go of anything and everything.

And that has been the thing for hundreds of years.

how hard has it been for me, for you, to evict ourselves,

dissolving thoughts of greed, of lack, of shame, of oppression.

Because are we not meant to reason why,

or reason where we traveled from and are going to go even for this day?

And may not a mind be the only reason why we are unable to grasp faith today?

A reason why as we action our thoughts, we displaced from each other,

and even isolate from the breath of God’s preciously formed Planet.

A reason why you travel today and, as you seek, you find short comfort in only instantces

fueled by another’s agenda, a pervious rest-bite , and then your need seeks again.

As faith slipped, how divided have we become? Maybe more shrouded than ever before.

Yet a rediscovery says to me that which was lost, now maybe found.

Faith can not be lost, faith can never be taken from each of us.

Faith is immortal, uncontrollable, ungovernable, Ultimate in its liberation

Yes we stand today maybe with an understandably dwindling grasp for how we are to be.

We are here confused of how to act, within a shadowy fog with fleeting belief and trust.

Where then is my faith?

Faith is surely found on the uncommon edges of this uncertain understanding.

Faith for faith itself is just this, and, as it is, it kindles like a freshly lit wick

under a gorse bush in the middle of a lonely barren wind-swept hill,

flickering beyond the cliffs of our own understandings, beyond all our histories.

And it burns surely, steadily,  even despite of its fragile flame, sweeping through my heart.

Gracefully dissolving a divide between right and wrong.   

Faith is always ready for you and me, ready to lift us beyond any horizon to our future.

Because you travel beyond the boundaries of belief

You will meet the creator of all realms

Are you able to go there now, to be embraced by one divine breath,

feeling,way beyond where you lean right now?

Because if you courageously can, faith will be found on the edges of your understanding.


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